The Children of Ukraine Foundation is united by a belief. A belief that each and everyone of us has a duty to stand up for what is right. It is only through this unity that we are strong.
There is no tangible explanation as to why the russians have not been able to steamroll the Ukrainians on the battlefield. None whatsoever. Russia is a country of over 140 million people, GDP of 1.7T annually, and supposedly the second greatest army in the world. (Ukraine had 40 million people, GDP of 200B annually, and an army that did not really exist until 2014.) Everyone, including pretty much every western military analyst, expected russia to simply walk its army across the border a couple kilometers on freshly paved roads and take the country in three days. On paper there was no chance for the Ukrainians. But wars are not fought on paper.
Wars are fought in the real world, on the real battlefield. In situations like this intangibles come into play. To explain why Ukraine is winning you have to look at what Ukraine is fighting for. Ukrainians are fighting for their wife & family, for their freedom and country. Ukraine is standing up for what is right. This unity creates strength. It appears that this strength is the only possible explanation for what is happening on the battlefield.